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GPSCom v1.06 A shareware COM Library for GPS support (Obsolete)

IConnectionPointImplMT v1.02 A freeware IConnectionPoint implementation for ATL (Latest version now available from GPSCom2)

Welcome to GPSCom, a simple shareware COM based library which can be used to add GPS support to your Windows applications. GPSCom is a standard COM EXE developed in ATL in VC 2005 SP1. This component is intended as a complete replacement for the existing GPSLib dll developed by the author. GPSCom internally uses an advanced ATL class called IConnectionPointImplMT. This module is licensed differently than GPSCom and is freeware, that is you are free to use it under the standard licensing conditions for my freeware source code. Please note that all the other modules inside of GPSCom are not open source.

The enclosed zip file contains the GPSCom source code, and Unicode Release binary and a sample VB 6 app to test all the methods of the classes.





1 May 2010

V1.06 GPSCom / v1.02 IConnectionPointImplMP (21 March 2010)

V1.05 GPSCom / v1.01 IConnectionPointImplMP (8 February 2008)

V1.04 (23 January 2007)

V1.03 (20 July 2006)

V1.02 (13 January 2004)

V1.01 (1 January 2003)

V1.0 (21 June 2002)